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Larry (the Phone Guy) Wall
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Larry the phone guy

    I currently work by day for Dobson Fiber. Dobson provides Fiber internet services and hosted phones. Dobson is based in Oklahoma.

    Dobson acquired Pinnacle Telecommunications in 2021 to extend their reach into Arkansas. Before that, I was a part of Pinnacle.

    Many of the old telephone systems are hardly being supported any more. I have been a Toshiba phone tech for over 10 years. So, part of what I am doing on the side is keeping them running a while longer until they can be replaced.

    Once the move is made, I then offer cabling services to get businesses ready for the new Internet based phones.

What happened to Toshiba?

    They actually quit the phone business. The Surprise announcement was made early 2017 they were shutting down their business phone division. Financial reasons involving project not related to phone system was sited. Mitel bought out parts of it to continue supporting their systems for a limited time. As of October 2019, Toshiba systems officially reached EOL (End of Life).

    It is still possible to get replacement hardware through refurbishing companies to keep most systems running. Expansion is be very limited. There is no way to obtain required licenses to grow the system or use any of it's IP based features.

Don't mind the laughing

Tech Wisdom


    Definition: Random Access Memory. The computer's main storage area for programs that are immediately accessible, no matter where they're stuck, and which can be read and rewritten anytime. While RAM's mind can be changed easily, it's also a bit dotty and gets lost easily as soon as the juice goes off.

First Thessalonians 5

    3 Whenever it is that they are saying, "Peace and security!" then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape.